Love that Summer Ballet Bod!
 iIllustration by Naarah Han

Summer Beauties!

Swimsuit season maybe coming to a close, but that is no reason to start forgetting about those abs. As the core of your Ballet Beautiful body, keeping your abdomen muscles strong has a huge impact on your posture, flexibility, balance and power.  It’s also great for alleviating back pain.

A ballerina’s strength, posture and grace all extend from a strong, but narrow center. Many of our Ballet Beautiful exercises target the muscles deep in the lower abdomen, which is a hard part of the stomach to tighten and tone. So set those Custom Workout’s, get your 15-min Ballet Beautiful Body on, engage your core and show of you abs before the sweaters come!

*#BBquicktip pull in and scoop through the stomach when engaging your abs to get a flat, defined center*

xo – MH