Hello, Spring!
Hi Beauties!
I love the change in seasons and Springtime is one of my favorites. Milder weather, fewer layers, and a chance to refresh our homes, kitchens, wardrobes, and my favorite, our workouts!! The lightness of Springtime is a terrific inspiration for me and a chance to break open and try new things.  Below are a few of my favorite ways to bring the energy of this season into our everyday lives.
The Kitchen!  I am always a huge fan of shopping locally and enjoying fresh seasonal produce. With the arrival of Spring I'm buying and eating more salads and fresh local fruits and veggies with the aim of eating a salad a day during the warmer months.

Many fruits have a short season so take advantage of it! Fresh local strawberries are in abundance now and I'm buying and eating them with a lot more frequency than usual because I know that this season is short lived.  I'll buy a gallon at the Farmer's Market, wash them and lay them out on trays on the counter. This encourages healthy snacking throughout the day, not just for me but for the entire family! Dessert could be a bowl of freshly cut berries with whipped cream and tea, or a more complex berry cobbler if you have the time. I also love my chocolate - some berries and dark chocolate in the late afternoon is another favorite that is healthy and satisfying.

Try our Cast-iron Skillet Strawberry Cobbler for a delightful summer dessert! Don't forget to share your berry beautiful recipes and tag us at #BalletBeautifulKitchen

The Workspace & Home! The urge to organize, sort and get rid of old things is a powerful one in Spring. Take advantage of it! I haven't gotten an entire day to dedicate to spring cleaning yet but I've been working on my closet, office and even my laundry room in small 30-40 minute chunks and it is making a difference! Anytime you feel inspired to tackle a project and create some space for yourself, my advice is go for it! You don't need a special occasion to lighten things up! I find that starting and keeping a bag of items to be donated tucked away in a few key closets is a great way to clean out as I go and move the process along. The process of sorting also helps me hone in on what I do and do not need from a shopping perspective. These days I am definitely in the less is more camp to cut down on clutter and clear up space.


Your Workouts! With warmer weather arriving I'm already changing the way I dress which has an impact on how I move. My ideal spring workout schedule includes tons of toning and tightening plus some cardio for an extra burn. I will definitely be doing extra arm work over the next few weeks with a focus on booty lifting. I love the lightness that a great workout brings to my mood. On days when I can't manage to train in the mornings I'm working to squeeze it in before bed because regular workouts bring my body and my mind an incredible stress release and make me feel happier and more confident, too.

Below is a mini spring playlist that I want to share with you for days when your timing is TIGHT! A short workout is better than no workout, so grab your mat and meet me there!
Happy Spring!
Mary Helen