Holiday Survival Program
When I am planning my holidays I try to keep the focus on quality time with family and friends. Happy experiences make for happy memories! The last thing that I want to feel is stress about my body. 

So how to indulge without going overboard? It’s all about planning, balance and staying connected to your body and goals. Planning ahead helps ensure that you make healthy choices and don’t have to sacrifice any of the things you love. For example, add a green salad to your Holiday menu and at least one other green veggie for a side at Thanksgiving Dinner. When you serve your plate, choose 2 favorite carb-centric sides like stuffing and mashed or sweet potatoes with your turkey and greens. This gives you room for desert and makes for a meal that is delicious and indulgent without being over the top! 

Remember the goal is to be healthy. Do not green light bad behavior in the name of health, like skipping breakfast or lunch to “save calories” for dinner. 

Balance out your holiday meals by including extra fresh veggies, fruit and lean protein when you can. For me that means a green salad with my scrambled eggs and bacon on Thanksgiving morning and fresh fruit with a soup or salad for lunch. If you are a guest at a meal where people need help in the kitchen offer to make and bring a healthy side along with your favorite indulgent dish! Another easy Holiday tip is to make an effort to drink extra water in place of juices or anything sweetened and try swapping in green or black tea with lemon rather than an afternoon coffee with cream with your holiday pie. These small choices add up in the big picture and should help making your holiday meals fun, healthy and indulgent!

When it comes to working out on the Holidays my schedule always takes some adjusting.  l will be using my online Custom Workout to keep myself feeling energized and toned. I may not be able to find a full hour for myself but I love knowing that I can build shorter workouts that focus on toning and strengthening like our Recharge Series and Nutcracker workouts. My overall Holiday fitness goal is to relax and have fun while staying connected to a program that lets me feel my most confident and best. I’ll be doing at least two of our 10-15 minute videos everyday. Who else is in? 

Wishing you the Happiest Holiday! May you and yours enjoy great Health!