Make Your Resolutions Last!

Hey Beauty!

It's time for a New Year Goal tune-up session!

The beginning of January is a time for fresh starts, renewal, and goal-setting. But by February, a lot of us have lost our motivation and our New Year Resolutions have fallen to the back of our minds! This year I am doing things a little differently and keeping the effort of transformation and change as present as possible.  As we move past the excitement and energy of “resolution season”, how do we stick to our goals as the year progresses and make them a reality? 

New Year Resolutions can feel performative and often we can set ourselves up for failure. Sometimes we set goals that are unrealistic or too extreme (i.e., workout EVERY day, no more sweets etc), or maybe life just gets busy and complicated and our New Year goals start to slip by the wayside. Whether you are 100% on track to hit your New Year goals or not, the end of the month is the ideal time to touch base and check in.  To keep your resolutions going strong, shift from defining what you want as a “New Year resolution” and instead look at it as a commitment for the entire year. The point of this exercise is to keep your resolutions/commitments/goals front and center! Below are a few tips to reframe your resolutions, stay on track with your goal setting and keep that 2023 transformation energy alive

1. Start with a goal check-in. Write down your goals and where you are with your achievement.

2. Make adjustments based on reality! Goals can skew too optimistically and sometimes we fall short. Take a hard look at where you are, what you are doing everyday to get you to where you want to be, and what you could do differently.  Was your goal too unrealistic to be sustainable? Has life gotten too busy to stay on track? Don’t beat yourself up if you’re not where you want to be; shift your target to something that feels doable and attainable, and create a specific plan of action.

For Example:
Goal: Work out more.
Choose a specific target that is realistic, like working out 3 hours a week. Do you have a training program in place? Choose a workout regimen you can stick to (Our Custom Workout includes guided programs and challenges that are perfect for keeping yourself on track!). Do you need to invest in your space or equipment? Making an investment in your goal can help to keep you motivated!
Goal: Eat healthier.
How are you going to do this? Think about ways you can incorporate more healthy foods into your diet and measure your success. Maybe you can cook a healthy meal twice a week, add vegetables to your dinners, or keep nutritious snacks on hand so you’re not tempted to reach for chips or candy. Choose specific weekly targets that will help you work towards your goal.
Goal: Cut out sweets.
If you’re a big dessert-person, this is not a sustainable goal! When we try to cut out foods completely, we can actually end up increasing our cravings or give up and overindulge on the items we’ve been trying to avoid. Willpower fatigue is a real thing! Shift your goals to instead focus on realistic limits or healthy swaps (i.e. dessert twice a week, or swapping out highly processed candy with healthier dark chocolate) 

3. Look ahead. Plan out the next 6 months of the year with this goal in mind. Think about changes in schedule and season and make accommodations to stay on track! 

For Example:
Have a plan for summertime, when your work or childcare schedule may change with the season.
Consider vacations or major social events like weddings, and plan ways to stay on track with your goals

4. Team up with a buddy! It can be a lot easier to keep yourself accountable when you have a teammate; plus it makes it more fun! Join a friend for a weekly workout class, or have a healthy date-night with your significant other every weekend. 

5. Celebrate what you HAVE accomplished and recommit to your goals and yourself. This is so important! Do not get defeated by any perceived shortcomings or overwhelmed by the work ahead. You are working towards self-improvement and that in itself is a WIN! Take note of what you have done and gained and make a pledge to yourself to continue. You deserve it!